On March 2018, Kate Ennals and Una Traynor were tasked by Breffni Integrated CLG in co-operation with Cavan County Council to facilitate the development of a Multicultural Network for County Cavan. This was an opportunity for ethnic minorities in Cavan to get involved, develop their own skills and capacity with a view to influencing local policy and to let Cavan have a strong and diverse representation in the country. The brief included the following:
Coincidentally, in 2017 the Cavan County Council Multicultural Committee headed by Majella Tierney and Theresa Tierney got in touch with community groups in preparation for the 2017 Taste of Cavan and met with the Lithuanian, African and Polish Communities. The Lithuanian Community took part in the Taste of Cavan, then preparations for the Cavan Christmas Food and Traditions Peace Project of the council followed. The Latvian, Philippine and other ethnic communities joined the event. By December 2017, after a couple of meetings and consultations, the group had agreed with the name Cavan Cross Cultural Community (4C), a logo, and a structure, with the aim of representing and integrating all society groups in Cavan.
4C, which had 8 member societies at that time, participated in the programme of activities of Breffni Integrated from April to July 2018 which included the formulation of the multicultural network’s Aims and Objectives and Vision, Committee Roles and Constitution, Steering Group Meeting, Establishing a Work Programme, Specific Actions, Performance Indicators and Training Needed, Structuring the Launch or Culminating Event Seminar, and Finalising the Running of the Launch of 4C, which will be celebrated on the 24th of November 2018.